Tag Archives: People

Police officer standing between two girls looking at each other angrily

Creating Common Ground in Tense, Difficult Situations

It can be hard to find common ground in a tense situation. Click here to read an interview with Chicago’s Superintendent of Police David Brown, who urges Americans involved in conflicts to really listen to each other, see past their differences, and work together in a spirit of collaboration.

Looking down a long, dark, back alley

Muckraking Journalist Jacob Riis and Gilded Age New York City

This lecture by Professor Daniel Czitrom from Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts gives an overview of Jacob Riis. Watch the clips at the following marks for a look at some of Riis’s work and to get a sense of his purpose and relevance today: 20:38–25:10, 36:35–38:40, 45:02–47:35, and 50:56–52:16.