What events took place before America’s schools were finally integrated? What did the Supreme Court have to say about discrimination along the way to the Brown decision? Check this handy timeline to find out.

What events took place before America’s schools were finally integrated? What did the Supreme Court have to say about discrimination along the way to the Brown decision? Check this handy timeline to find out.
If someone said you could change the world, would you believe it? If you had an idea that could save countless lives, would anyone listen? Watch this talk by Jack Andraka, a teen who discovered a revolutionary way to detect certain cancers. Discover what he did, how he did it, and what it took to get people to listen.
The Titanic sank more than 100 years ago, but the tragedy lives on in our hearts and minds. Read about six people who survived the disaster.
Though poets often draw on imagery from nature, science and poetry often appear to be set in opposition to each other. Can the world of facts mesh with the world of emotions? In this essay, poet and scientist Pireeni Sundaralingam analyzes the complex relationship between the two.
Tornadoes, ice ages, asteroids, megaquakes, and sometimes angry aliens: Hollywood sure enjoys disasters! Read this article about the differences between Hollywood’s view of earthquakes and the views of the scientific community. Learn the real-world science behind movie myths and mayhem.
Pigeons that guide missiles to their targets? Cats that spy on secret meetings? Trained spiders? Read this article to learn why Bob Bailey, the first director of the Navy’s dolphin training program, says he’s never found an animal he couldn’t train—and find out what his animals have been trained to do.
Sometimes disasters strike in the strangest of ways. To get a sense of just how strange, take a look at the odd and impressive photographs that accompany this short article on sinkholes. Who’d have thought such a thing could happen—right outside our front doors?
In the 1990s, the U.S. Navy revealed that sea lions and dolphins were being used to find and retrieve valuable equipment from the sea floor. These animals are also being trained to help clear mines and to protect our harbors. Read to learn about the secret uses of marine mammals!
Immigrants come to the United States for countless reasons and under vastly different circumstances. Browse this photo essay to explore a few of these compelling stories.
We often think of cures for cancer as chemicals developed in laboratories, but nature may be the source of new remedies. Tom Phillips explains how researchers aim to tap into the medical possibilities of the Amazon rainforest—and at the same time protect this threatened environment from human development.
Rising from the inhumanity of World War II, the United Nations was established. In 1948, it set forth this declaration of what rights all people the world over should have.
Imagine barely escaping a shark attack with your life and going on to become an advocate for protecting sharks. It happens more often than you’d think!
Sometimes it’s best to avoid something you’re afraid of, especially if it’s dangerous. Visit this site to learn about one of the world’s most dangerous sports, cliff diving. Discover some of the sport’s basics, its most famous locations, and why it’s a good idea never to attempt it.
You might do a good deed for someone else just because it’s the right thing to do. Research shows, though, that you’re more likely to do that good deed if you’ve recently seen someone else do a good deed. This article discusses the infectiousness of altruism.
Visit this site to see stunning photographs, watch informative videos, and read all about natural disasters, including avalanches, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and wildfires.
Do you already know what kind of career you want to pursue? Then you are lucky—and unique. If, like most of your peers, you don’t know “what you want to be when you grow up,” consider the helpful tips in this article.
Ben Saunders talks about his epic, 105-day trek to the South Pole and back; the same route taken by Captain Scott on his ill-fated 1912 expedition.
Do dogs love each other? Do they feel guilty about the rotten things they sometimes do? Read Stanley Coren’s article to find the answers, and, while you’re at it, discover how to laugh like a dog, interpret a dog’s barks, and tell what a wagging tail really means.
In 2010, a modern version of The Tragedy of Macbeth appeared on PBS’s Great Performances. The star of that groundbreaking production, Sir Patrick Stewart, discusses the choices he and director Rupert Goold made to bring Shakespeare’s work to life on the small screen.
What is the relationship between mosh pits and nature? The answers to that question might surprise you! Two graduate students (who just so happen to be heavy-metal fans) are studying mosh pits to learn about particulate patterns and animal flocking behavior.