Tag Archives: Culture & Society

NASA patch - Apollo 11 mission

Naming Apollo: Why NASA chooses Greek gods as names

In 2019, NASA announced that the agency’s efforts to return to the Moon would be named the Artemis program. The goddess Artemis was heavily associated with the moon, and she’s also the twin of Apollo, whose name graced NASA’s first lunar missions in the 1960s. But why does NASA choose mythological names in the first place?

Beauty vlogger sharing makeup tutorial video on social media

‘Sephora kids’ and the booming business of beauty products for children

There is currently a surging trend in young preteen girls buying expensive make-up and other beauty products. Some older shoppers are complaining that they are rude and messy while doing it. Others think kids that young should not be be so obsessed with beauty products to begin with. Regardless, it shows a changing trend in who the consumers for these products are. Talk in your class about the trend and politely debate why this is a good or bad thing.

Dejected Boxer Sitting in the Ring

Failing early in your career can make you more successful in the future

“Describe a time when you failed,” is a common and tricky prompt that often comes up in job interviews — and for good reason.
According to a new study out of Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, your past experiences with failure could predict your career success in the long run.

Robots dressed in a business suits

People Are Increasingly Worried A.I. Will Make Daily Life Worse

Like it or not, artificial intelligence is here to stay–and it is making its way into every part of our lives. With self-driving cars using A.I. to make split-second steering decisions, A.I. helping to sort job and college applications, and companies using A.I, to sway customer behavior, a lot of people are growing fearful of the technology. People used to fear monsters in the darkness, but in modern times, some of our scariest monsters are lines of code in a machine.